From the Pastor's Desk:

The last few weeks (before VBS), I have been preaching on "Keeping The Faith." On "Father's Day," I challenged the dads (and everyone) to "hold fast" - to "remain firm" - to "keep the faith" as the spiritual leader of his family. Then I preached on keeping the faith in the midst of hopelessness. Then the message was keeping the faith when people fail you ... even when we fail ourselves. Today I want to challenge us to keep the faith even when it seems our prayers are going unanswered.
God does not always give us what we want or ask for. Sometimes His answer is "No." But take solace in this: whether God's answer is "yes" or "no" or "wait" ... we are to have faith that He will answer us according to His perfect will. Paul said that when God answered him with a "No," God also told him "His grace is sufficient."
God may not always give us a "Yes," but He will always give us what is best for us. Keep the faith because His grace is sufficient!
Pastor Randy


Thank you for visiting our website. We are a Southern Baptist Church that has been in our community for over 60 years. A lot has changed in our society during that time, but one thing that has not changed at Grace is the consistent, vibrant, down-to-earth preaching and teaching of the Bible, God's holy, infallible Word. Thank you again for visiting us. May God bless and keep you in His care as you live your life for Him. 

 Randall Forsythe,  Pastor


Service Times

Sunday School       9:30 am

Sunday Morning   10:30 am 

Wednesday Eve      6:00 pm