From the Pastor's Desk:

Today I continue on in my series of sermons regarding the biblical phrase, "The Day of the Lord." When used in Scripture, this phrase centered around God's wrath and/or judgment on His people usually through natural disasters or losses in battle with enemy nations. God's purpose through these "days" was to bring His people back into fellowship with Him. These "days" were generally "periods of time" or "events" not necessarily limited to a single day. "The Day of the Lord" was also used in conjunction with the "end-times" or "end-of-the-ages." Included with that are the events known as: The Rapture, The 7-Year Tribulation, The Battle of Armageddon, The Second Coming of Jesus, and The New Heaven and The New Earth of Eternity.
Today I will focus on the prophetic words of the Apostle Paul found in 1 Thessalonians. Paul warned that when the world begins to cry "peace and security" we are to be aware; for, the Rapture and the 7-Year Tribulation, and the Second Coming of Jesus "will shortly come like a thief in the night." If the Rapture happens today ... will you be ready?
Pastor Randy


Thank you for visiting our website. We are a Southern Baptist Church that has been in our community for over 60 years. A lot has changed in our society during that time, but one thing that has not changed at Grace is the consistent, vibrant, down-to-earth preaching and teaching of the Bible, God's holy, infallible Word. Thank you again for visiting us. May God bless and keep you in His care as you live your life for Him. 

 Randall Forsythe,  Pastor


Service Times

Sunday School       9:30 am

Sunday Morning   10:30 am 

Wednesday Eve      6:00 pm